
Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals 2nd Edition Bassett (Digital Test Bank)


Download Genuine Test Bank for Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2nd Edition, Kathy Bassett, Arthur DiMarco, Doreen Naughton, ISBN: 9780137593453, ISBN: 9780133077711



Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals 2nd Edition Bassett (Digital Test Bank)

Test Bank for Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals, 2nd Edition, Kathy Bassett, Arthur DiMarco, Doreen Naughton, ISBN: 9780137593453, ISBN: 9780133077711

Table of Contents

Section I: Pain Control Concepts
1. Perspectives on Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals
2. Fundamentals of Pain Management
3. The Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of Pain Control

Section II: Pharmacology of Local Anesthetic Pain Control
4. Pharmacology Basics
5. Dental Local Anesthetic Drugs
6. Vasoconstrictors in Dentistry
7. Dose Calculations for Local Anesthetic Solutions
8. Topical Anesthetics

Section III: Injection Fundamentals
9. Local Anesthetic Delivery Devices
10. Patient Assessment for Local Anesthesia
11. Fundamentals for Administration of Local Anesthetic Agents

Section IV: Clinical Administration of Local Anesthesia
12. Injections for Maxillary Pain Control I
13. Injections for Maxillary Pain Control II. Palatal Approach
14. Injections for Mandibular Pain Control
15. Supplemental Techniques and Adjunctive Strategies
16. Troubleshooting Inadequate Anesthesia
17. Local Anesthesia Complications and Management

Section V: Special Considerations for Local Anesthesia
18. Insights for Fearful Patients
19. Insights from Pediatric Dentistry
20. Insights from Specialties: Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Endodontics

Section VI: Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation
21. Fundamentals for the Administration of Nitrous Oxide-Oxygen Sedation