Images of the Past 9th Edition Price (Digital Test Bank)
Download Genuine Test Bank for Images of the Past, 9th Edition, T. Douglas Price, Gary Feinman, ISBN10: 1266143564, ISBN13: 9781266143564
Images of the Past 9th Edition Price (Digital Test Bank)
Test Bank for Images of the Past, 9th Edition, T. Douglas Price, Gary Feinman, ISBN10: 1266143564, ISBN13: 9781266143564
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Principles of Archaeology
Chapter 2: The First Humans
Chapter 3: The Hunters
Chapter 4: The Origins of Agriculture
Chapter 5: Native North Americans
Chapter 6: Ancient Mesoamerica
Chapter 7: South America: The Inca and Their Predecessors
Chapter 8: States and Empires in Asia and Africa
Chapter 9: Prehistoric Europe
Chapter 10: The Past as Present and Future