
Deviant Behavior 12th Edition Thio (Digital Test Bank)


Download Genuine Test Bank for Deviant Behavior, 12th Edition, Alex C. Thio, Jim D. Taylor, Martin D. Schwartz, ISBN-10: 0134627091, ISBN-13: 9780134627090



Deviant Behavior 12th Edition Thio (Digital Test Bank)

Test Bank for Deviant Behavior, 12th Edition, Alex C. Thio, Jim D. Taylor, Martin D. Schwartz, ISBN-10: 0134627091, ISBN-13: 9780134627090

Table of Contents

1. What Is Deviant Behavior?
2. Positivist Theories
3. Constructionist Theories
4. Physical Violence
5. Sexual Assault and Child Molestation

6. Family Violence
7. Suicide and Self-Harm
8. Mental Disorder
9. Heterosexual Deviance
10. Gays and Other Targets of Stigma

11. Internet Deviance
12. Drug Use
13. Drinking and Alcoholism
14. Privileged Deviance
15. Underprivileged Deviance