Criminal Investigation 13th Edition Swanson (Digital Test Bank)
Download Genuine Test Bank for Criminal Investigation, 13th Edition, Charles Swanson, Robert W Taylor, Leonard Territo, Bryanna Fox, Neil Chamelin, ISBN10: 1260836800, ISBN13: 9781260836806
Criminal Investigation 13th Edition Swanson (Digital Test Bank)
Test Bank for Criminal Investigation, 13th Edition, Charles Swanson, Robert W Taylor, Leonard Territo, Bryanna Fox, Neil Chamelin, ISBN10: 1260836800, ISBN13: 9781260836806
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: The Evolution of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Science
CHAPTER 2: Legal Aspects of Investigation
CHAPTER 3: Investigators, the Investigative Process, and the Crime Scene
CHAPTER 4: Physical Evidence
CHAPTER 5: Interviewing and Interrogation
CHAPTER 6: Field Notes and Reporting
CHAPTER 7: The Follow-Up Investigation and Investigative Resources
CHAPTER 8: The Crime Laboratory
CHAPTER 9: Injury and Death Investigations
CHAPTER 10: Sex-Related Offenses
CHAPTER 11: Crimes Against Children
CHAPTER 12: Human Trafficking
CHAPTER 13: Robbery
CHAPTER 14: Burglary
CHAPTER 15: Larceny/Theft and White-Collar Crime
CHAPTER 16: Vehicle Thefts and Related Offenses
CHAPTER 17: Cybercrime
CHAPTER 18: Agricultural, Wildlife, and Environmental Crimes
CHAPTER 19: Arson and Explosives Investigations
CHAPTER 20: Recognition, Control, and Investigation of Drug Abuse
CHAPTER 21: Understanding and Investigating Terrorism
CHAPTER 22: The Trial Process and the Investigator as a Witness